If you are charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI), you want an attorney you can trust. At the Hall Law Office, P.C., we build that trust from the very beginning of our interactions with you. We make every effort to take care of your concerns by answering all your questions about the criminal justice system.

The outcome of the case usually hinges on what happened during your arrest.

  • What facts do you recall before the officer stopped your vehicle?
  • Did the officer say why you were stopped?
  • What questions did the officer ask you?
  • Did you perform any field sobriety test?
  • Did you take a breath test on the road?
  • After your arrest, did you take an intoxilyzer test?

Attorney Patrick C. Hall is routinely able to raise reasonable doubts about the state’s case by carefully investigating the factor listed above. Any one of the above factors can be grounds for a DISMISSAL, REDUCE CHARGE, or other appropriate relief. However, if we determine that a trial is necessary to protect your reputation and interests then you will have your day in court.

Call the Hall Law Office, P.C. at 678-884-3771, today to schedule your free consultation to discuss your Driving Under the Influence case. Alternatively, you may contact us online and someone will be in touch with you promptly. We offer excellent service because we care about you and how this offense could affect your life.

30 minutes | via Phone